Cetho temple Karanganyar is a Hindu temple located in the hamlet Cetho, Gumeng Village, District Jenawi, Karanganyar. It is located at an altitude high enough that 1,400 masl. Cetho temple Karanganyar have a similar background to Sukuh temple also in Karanganyar.

Cetho name itself is a designation given by the local community which also is the name of the village where the temple site is located. Cetho the Java language has meaning "clear", this is because in the hamlet Cetho people can see very clearly the view of the mountains surrounding them Merbabu, Merapi Mount, Lawu Mount, and at the summit of Sindoro kejuhan Mount visible and Sumbing. Also from this village also presented us with a broad view of the town of Surakarta and Karanganyar the sprawling city below.

History Cetho temple Karanganyar - Background
According to historians and ancient history Cetho temple Karanganyar also built at the same time with the Sukuh temple  around the 15th century at the end of the heyday of the Hindu Majapahit Empire. This site built during the collapse of Majapahit influence the form of temple architecture. This temple has a very unique shape, as unique as Sukuh architecture.

Cetho not have the form as in the Hindu temple in Java in general. The form that resembles punden. This brings the conclusion that the fall of Majapahit makes the emergence of indigenous cultural communities back.

History Cetho temple Karanganyar - Rediscovery
Cetho temple Karanganyar actually a temple consisting of 14 terraced patio that stretches from west to east (from bottom to top). However, all that remains is 13 terraces, and unfortunately again restoration ever undertaken only at 9 terrace only.

Scientific record of the existence of this site Cetho temple Karanganyar first time by a Dutchman named Van de Vlies in 1842. There are also several other archaeologist who has conducted research on the Cetho temple Karanganyar, namely AJ Bennet Kempers, N.J. Krom, W.F. Sutterheim, K.C. Crucq, and an Indonesian named Riboet Darmosoetopo.

Then finally this Cetho temple Karanganyar site excavated in about 1928, and that's where it is known that the site was built during the end of Majapahit in the 15th century.

But somehow there are still differences of opinion regarding the manufacture of this Cetho temple Karanganyar. There are some experts who have the opinion that this Cetho temple Karanganyar actually been built long before the Majapahit period. It is based on evidence that the temple was built with the basic material of andesite with relief very simple. While most of the Majapahit era temple built using the basic ingredients of red brick and has a much more detailed relief.

And like Sukuh, this temple has architectural shape that looks more like the temple premises from the Mayan civilization in Mexico, or the Incas in Peru. In addition, several statues were found here are not at all similar to the face of the Javanese, but more similar to the Sumerians or the Romans and show times are much older than the time of Majapahit.

History Cetho temple Karanganyar - Controversial Restoration
Cetho temple restored Karanganyar began in the late 1970s approached 1980. The restoration was done by a man named Humardani. He is known as a confidant of former president Suharto's Indonesia, which-2.

But back Cetho temple Karanganyar restoration proved to be extremely controversial and reaping a lot of criticism from historians and archaeologists of the time. This occurs because the process of restoration and rebuilding of the temple site was done without going through the process of assessment and in-depth research. So what happens is the temple restored and rebuilt without regard to the original structure.

This makes Cetho temple Karanganyar architecture we see today cannot be accounted for conformance shape with the actual structure of the temple. So now we actually cannot know with certainty whether the form of the temple is now the same as the original form of the temple or not. Several new buildings were made at the time of the restoration is the front gate, the hermitage in the form of wooden buildings, phallus, at the height berunden cube, and some sculptures like the statue of Brawijaya V, Sabdapalon sculpture, and sculpture Nayagenggong.

History Cetho temple Karanganyar - Architecture
Cetho temple Karanganyar that we enjoy today is a temple with a terrace which amounted to only 9.